Xaa bcbs prefix. BCBS Prefix will not only have. Xaa bcbs prefix

 BCBS Prefix will not only haveXaa bcbs prefix  In case, you need any additional information related to BCBS prefix

1-800-292-8868. The MAA-MZZ range refers to alpha prefixes. $250 deductible, then 20%, and all costs over $50,000 lifetime max. BCBS prefix are easy to identify using our BCBS prefix lookup because they’re part of every BCBS member ID and we included all of them here in the BCBS prefix list. Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania: AUL: New York: Empire Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of New York: AUM:1-800-760-6852. $250 deductible, then 20%, and all costs over $50,000 lifetime max. All costs. Each alpha prefix represents a specific plan and helps in streamlining claims processing and network identification. We update BCBS prefix list data on daily basis to provide latest BCBS prefix home plan information. Below in our BCBS prefix lookup. February 21, 2023 by Kathryn Belvin. End of dialog window. In case, you need any additional information related to BCBS prefix. Anthem Blue Cross (BC) of California (CA) XDV. Ohio. The alpha prefix is always three letters followed by the member’s ID number which can be from 6 up to 14 characters total. Phone Number for Federal Employees. BCBS prefix is a three character prefixes followed by the id number except for the following products and programs. BCBS Prefix will not only have. Here we have listed down all the BCBS Prefix along with BCBS home plan name and website for BCBS member IDs ranging from XAA to XZZ. BCBS Alpha Prefix List: Blue Cross Blue Shield Companies – State: XAA: BCBS of Alabama (AL) XAB: BCBS of Alabama (AL) XAC: BCBS of Alabama (AL) XAD: BCBS of. 1-888-543-9212. For detailed information of each prefix home plan, click on the prefix and you will find the detailed information. Insurance. Highmark Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Pennsylvania. Anthem Blue Cross (BC) of California (CA) XDX. Carefirst Blue-Cross Blue-Shield. Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia. A2Y. All costs. . Texas. Correct BCBS home plan can easily be identified using our BCBS prefix lookup directory. BCBS Prefix XAA to XZZ Summary. 450 Riverchase Parkway East Birmingham, Alabama 35244. Medically necessary emergency care services during the first 60 days of each trip outside the United States. List of the top 20 insurance providers in the US 2023. BCBS Alpha Prefix Lookup. Independence Blue-Cross of Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania: EWS: New Jersey: Horizon Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of New Jersey:. Blue Advantage is a PPO with a Medicare contract. If possible, make copies of the member’s ID card (front and. BCBS Prefix List XAA to XZZ; BCBS Prefix List YAA to YZZ; BCBS Prefix List ZAA to ZZZ; BCBS Prefix List A2A to A9Z; BCBS Prefix List B2A to B9Z; BCBS Prefix List C2A to C9Z;. BCBS Company. A2Z. 1-800-492-8872. BAB. State Lookup. Include the alpha prefix and all alpha characters preceding the alpha prefix on all correspondence and claims submitted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. A2X. Connecticut. Maryland/District of Columbia/Northern Virginia. Anthem Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Ohio. BCBS Prefix List 2023. Home Plan Mailing Address. BCBS Prefix List WAA to WZZ; BCBS Prefix List XAA to XZZ; BCBS Prefix List YAA to YZZ; BCBS Prefix List ZAA to ZZZ; BCBS Prefix List A2A to A9Z; BCBS Prefix List B2A to B9Z; BCBS Prefix List C2A to C9Z; BCBS Prefix List D2A to D9Z; BCBS Prefix List E2A to E9Z; BCBS Prefix List F2A to F9Z; BCBS Prefix List G2A to G9Z; BCBS. Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Phone Number. Blue-Cross Blue-Shield of Texas. For your ease we. The BCBS alpha prefix list is a series of three-letter codes used by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) to identify the different BCBS plans and their corresponding networks. BCBS Prefix assignments for BC prefixes XAA - XZZ. Below you can find summary of all the Blue Cross Blue Shield active prefix ranging from XAA to XZZ. Feb 24, 2021This list of bcbs prefixes includes BC prefix xyl, xdd, xea, xog, xek, xaa, xzl, xum, xyk, xpa. July 13, 2023 by NSingh (MBA, RCM Expert) If you are a Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) member, you have probably seen a series of letters that precede your member ID number. These letters are BCBS alpha prefix essential to your health insurance plan. YOU PAY. BCBS Alpha prefix lookup contains all the Blue Cross Blue Shield alpha prefix along with their home plan and website. BCBS Prefix List 2021 - Alpha. Phone Number for Medicare. BCBS Prefix List WAA to WZZ; BCBS Prefix List XAA to XZZ; BCBS Prefix List YAA to YZZ; BCBS Prefix List ZAA to ZZZ; BCBS Prefix List A2A to A9Z; BCBS. Phone Number for All Other Employees. Have a look at our BCBS alpha prefix and BCBS alpha numeric prefix directory below. BCBS Prefix List XAA to XZZ; BCBS Prefix List YAA to YZZ; BCBS Prefix List ZAA to ZZZ; BCBS Prefix List A2A to A9Z; BCBS Prefix List B2A to B9Z; BCBS Prefix List C2A to C9Z;. With Plan F. BAA. Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) XDW. To identify correct blue cross blue shield department, they use three characters BCBS prefix in the start of each BCBS member plan ID. We make sure to update the. BCBS FEP – It’s indicated with letter R followed. XDU. They help identify the program you are enrolled in and the. These BCBS prefix may include alpha and numerical characters. For Example: ABC, AQT, TXX, TEA, A2B, 2AB, 2A2, PAS, ZGP, XXU etc.